Our Clients are our Partners
Industries |
State & Local Government
The Consultants Guild has a wide variety of experience in many industries. Here is a sample
of the clients we have worked with:
Alaska Tanker Company
Bonneville Power Administration
Gentle Touch
H2F Media
International House of Pancakes
Kar-Brite Hand Wash
KinderCare Learning Centers Headquarters
Marquam Group
North Thurston Public Schools
Olympia School District
Oregon Dept of Transportation
Oregon Economic and Community Development Dept
Oregon Parks Dept
San Mateo County Probation
Smith Barney
Tacoma Public Schools
Washington Administrator for the Courts
Washington Attorney Generals Office
Washington Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation
Washington LEAP Committee
Washington Office of Marine Safety
Washington State Board of Accountancy
Washington State Department of Ecology
Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife
Washington State Department of Health
Washington State Department of Licensing
Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Washington State Department of Personnel
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington State Labor & Industry
Washington State Office of Fiscal Management
Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction |